God Speaks and Acts Through His Covenants: Moses

May 22, 2022    Jason Fan

1. What promises do you fail to keep, both with those around you (your spouse, your family, your friends, your co-workers) and with God? What are the consequences of those broken promises?

2. What kinds of things do I put my trust in that pale in comparison to the promises of God? When God says, “if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples,” why do I not trust Him? What is it that is more valuable or important to me than being God’s treasured possession?”

3. In light of God’s promise to save us and redeem us, what is it that you find yourself boasting in that is ultimately meaningless and unfulfilling? What is it that you are so proud of, impressed by, or satisfied with that you need to repent of, and instead, put your hope and trust in Jesus Christ? Is it your abilities and accomplishments? Your successes and your achievements? Your gifts and your talents? Ask God to search your heart and reveal these things to you so that you might repent and confess and return to God in worship and thanksgiving!