Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser.
Due to the CUPE Local 40 strike, all public schools have temporarily suspended external rental use. This week, all students are asked to attend classes at Calgary Chinese Alliance Church. Please refer to this week’s parent newsletter for details.
⎪School Information
School Information

A non-profit heritage language school started in 1980 with the visions of teaching Chinese language and culture to the community and helping students find a meaningful life and their purpose of life. It is one of the ministries of the Church.
A non-profit heritage language school started in 1980 with the visions of teaching Chinese language and culture to the community and helping students find a meaningful life and their purpose of life. It is one of the ministries of the Church.
Cantonese Classes
(taught in Traditional Chinese)
Grade 1 — 12 Classes
※ All Grade 10 to 12 curriculums (i.e. Chinese 15, Chinese 25 and Chinese 35) are approved by Alberta Education.
Student in Grade 10 to 12 can earn High School credits upon completion of each grade (i.e. 5 credits per grade)
Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Programme
The course has been developed for students with no prior knowledge of the Chinese language who wish to acquire proficiency. It offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced Cantonese classes. All classes are taught using traditional Chinese characters; however, due to the predominantly lecture-based nature of the classes, students are not eligible to enroll in credit-bearing courses recognized by the Alberta Department of Education after completing three years of the program.
Parents of children interested in joining the program in the next academic year are invited to refer to the programme details.
Class Time
Cantonese Classes
Grade 1 to Grade 2
Saturdays 9:30 AM — 12:20 PM
Grade 3 to Grade 9
Saturdays 9:30 AM — 12:30 PM
Grade 10 to Grade 12
Saturdays 9:30 AM — 12:45 PM
Chinese as a Second Language (CSL) Programme
Saturdays 10:00 AM — 12:00 PM
School Location
Robert Thirsk High School
8777 Nose Hill Dr NW, Calgary, AB T3G 5T3
Admission Requirements and Fees
A) Requirements
1. Please bring the applicant's birth certificate and Alberta Personal Health Card for registration purposes
2. Grade 1: applicants must be at least 4 years old
3. Applicants are required to take an entrance exam. before admission
4. Payment in full (Cash/Cheques/eTransfer) for the fees described in the section B
2. Grade 1: applicants must be at least 4 years old
3. Applicants are required to take an entrance exam. before admission
4. Payment in full (Cash/Cheques/eTransfer) for the fees described in the section B
B) Fees
Registration Fee (all grades)
School Fees: Grades 1-6
School Fees: Grades 7-12
Textbook fee
NSF Cheque
Click here for Electronic Payment Instructions
C) Withdrawal Request
1. Parent needs to submit the withdrawal form or a written request
2. School fees will be refunded if the written request is submitted before September 1st
3. NO REFUND will be given if submit the form after September 1st
School Office Hours
Please call for enquiry first