A Fervent Heart

Oct 18, 2020    Jon Lim    2 Kings 2:1-12 ESV

Jesus has sent all Christians to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). What ways are easiest for you to think, speak and act the Gospel of Jesus? What are the difficult areas? Pray thanksgiving for the areas of ease, and pray to Christ for help to fulfill His Commission in making disciples of the world.

One way we cultivate a fervent heart is by intentionally dwelling with Jesus. What are some ways you need to discipline your self to remain with Jesus and with those whom He has called you to?

What temptation do you need to ‘silence’ the most? Is it knowing more? Is it fear of losing someone or something? Is it current instability in your life? Silence this temptation by asking Jesus to deepen the truth that He is, ‘the way, the truth, the life’ (Jn 14:8).