Longing for the Father’s Approval

Feb 28, 2021    Eddie Chu    Matthew 3:13-4:11 ESV

What do you need to do so that you ‘fulfill all righteousness’ - doing right according to God’s eyes? (Matthew 3:15)

Describe your awareness of the Holy Spirit leading you in the wilderness that is full of temptation (Matthew 4:1). Does it look similar or different than Matthew’s account of Jesus? What prayer might you offer to God to imitate Jesus in temptation and trial?

Which temptation is the greatest for you: immediacy, pride, false worship (Matthew 4:3-10)? Embrace the corresponding spiritual discipline of: contentment in God’s provision; trusting God’s timing and plans; worship and service to God alone. Confess your sin, pick up a discipline and ask God how to live that out.