CCAC Year in Review: A New Heart and a New Spirit

Dec 26, 2021    Jason Fan

1. How do we truly approach God? As a king on His throne? Or as a beggar on the street? How has our heart of worship changed over the course of this year? Is there something we need to confess and repent of in our heart? How can we ask God to renew our spirit so that we are pleasing and acceptable to Him?

2. Have we relied upon or centered our lives around a certain philosophy or belief, whether legalism or leniency, or any other, that ultimately falls short and will one day fail us? What is it that we must believe and cling to about who Jesus is and what He came to do that brings us into true relationship with Him, and through Him, new life and freedom for all eternity? Is it His holiness and justice? Or perhaps His grace and mercy? His love and kindness? His forgiveness and patience?

3. Has God given you a new heart and a new spirit? How do you know? In what ways have you seen change and transformation in your life? And in what areas are you asking for even greater change and transformation? This process is called sanctification, the ongoing transformation and growth in the life of a believer to be more like Jesus. How are you being made more and more into the image of Christ day by day?