Jesus Above All Else

Jan 16, 2022    Jason Fan

1. Matthew 22:37 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Is this true in our lives? How do we know? Which relationships will result in “a sword”, not peace? How will we trust God to lead us and guide us through the challenges of these kinds of relationships? And is there someone that we love more than Jesus?

2. What does it look like and feel like for you to take up your cross and follow Jesus? What is it that you are forfeiting, that you are turning away from so that you can turn to Jesus? What is it that you once found meaningful, enticing, tempting, valuable, that is now worth nothing, of no eternal value, because you have chosen to follow Jesus? What must we let go of in order to fully receive and embrace Jesus in our lives?