Christ Centred Discipleship on the Law

Jan 30, 2022    Jason Fan

1. Who do we recognize Jesus as in our lives? Is Jesus our ultimate authority, do we hold Him in highest esteem? Or are there others we look to that have more influence, greater impact, that we hold in higher regard than Jesus? And do we belong to Him, as sheep under the care of the Good Shepherd, accepting His discipline and direction in our lives, but also His gentle care and concern for our every need and welfare?

2. Are we like the Pharisees in any way? Do we feel better about ourselves when we do certain things, even things like reading the Bible or going to church? Or feel worse when we don’t? And do we look at others differently, depending on what they do or don’t do.

3. Rather than focusing on our following the rules of Sabbath, do we live in relationship with the fulfillment of the Sabbath, Jesus Christ Himself? How have we settled for rules and regulations over relationship with Jesus in our lives? What does it look like to live out daily Sabbath with Jesus?