Delight Yourself In God
Take time to daily consider one major or minor desire that came up this day (Gen 3:6). List that desire and then pray using Romans 12:2. Ask God, “God, I want to live transformed by the renewal of my mind. Please help me to know, is this desire from you? Is this desire good, acceptable and perfect in your mind? If so, show me what to do. If not, show me what to do. Amen.”
Consider, what is your attitude towards God’s discipline and training of you? How can you have a trusting attitude of God’s shaping of you? (Gen 3:14-19)
Consider as well, that in the disciplines God also revealed Jesus, the one who would atone for all of our sin and restore us to God (Gen 3:15). Look up 1 John 2:2, write this out and memorize it this week as an act of faith, worship and obedience.