Adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour

Aug 7, 2022    Jason Fan

1. We need to ask ourselves, are we a church that just focuses on theological understanding or healthy living? Does our theological understanding have a direct impact on our physical, emotional, relational and spiritual health? Or do we live in a way that leads people to “revile” the word of God?

2. Do I live in a way that invites the world to disbelieve God’s Word, and gives the enemy the opportunity to condemn me? Or do I live with character and integrity, that puts my opponent to shame? What might the world say or think about God based on what I say or do, how I live my life?

3. How do I “adorn the doctrine of God” in the way I live my life? What is the evidence or fruit of my faith, such that I might be “the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and those who are perishing”?