
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.

Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

Matthew 5: 3-12


Among all the Beatitudes, meek may be one of the best element but often being overlooked. Sometimes, it is also classified as weak. Indeed, we can transfer meek into power while keeping calm. While we are under attack, people with meek will let God to be our defender. With meek, we learn how to forgive people and learn not to just attack or strike back. As Christian, being meek in our daily life also means being submitted to God, giving out the control wheel and allowing God to steer for us. The bible verse also refers people with meek will inherit the earth, in the other word, they are blessed. They are less likely to be remorse due to their actions. Proverbs 15:1 `A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.` Jesus is our example on how to act out meek, even He has all the power but will only use that following to our Heavenly Father`s will. Being self-control and meek all the time is also our mission, and if we rely on God, there is unlimited power. There is limitation on what human can do but not in God. Can we live out our life with meek, and allow God to control our steering wheel? During pandemic, we will experience more and more racism, and imagine if you were being harassed publicly, what would you do? Can we still act out meek in God`s name?


Jesus, please help us. It is not easy to learn how to act out meek all the time. When You were harassed on the cross, it must be very hard and very pain to handle. Compared to what You went through, what we are going through everyday may be tiny. Please do help us to focus on Your kingdom and not just ourselves. Please exempt us from being harassed but if it is what You would like us to go through, please prepare and equip us and act out meek for glorifying Your name.
Elder Eric Tong











馬太福音 5: 3-12


在云云的經文中,溫柔是最好的生命素質,但偏偏卻是最被輕視的。或許會有人會認為,溫柔只不過是因為軟弱。其實,我們可以將溫柔理解為擁有力量的同時仍然保持克制。溫柔是不為自己設防的。當被攻擊時,溫柔的人會讓上帝成為他們的防禦。溫柔的人會傾向不斷的寬恕,而這往往是發生在出現報復或者反擊的想法之前。作為信徒,當我們選擇溫柔過活,實際上就是選擇降服上帝,交出自己生命的控制權,讓上帝來治理我們。 經文說明溫柔的人將會享受他們在地上的時光。他們經歷祝福,是因為他們甚少為面對困境時所做的抉擇感到後悔。試想想,如果我們對別人都是回答柔和(箴言15章1節),而不是言語粗暴,我們的生活會否更和平、更神聖呢?耶穌是溫柔的典範。他擁有無盡的能力,但只會按天父的旨意使用。他有能力完成一切,但選擇了克制。我們要盡力成為世上最溫柔的群體。我們應該克制,時刻保持著與全世界至高的大能結連。透過基督所支取的能力是沒盡的。然而,有時我們會誤解上帝是受限於人所經驗的限制,但他永遠不會。他大有能力,無能並非他的屬性。 你是靠基督來活出柔和謙卑嗎?你是活在主的引領,還是靠自己去掌控一切呢?在疫情下,我們從新聞中看到越來越多有關種族歧視的行為。如果你是當中的主角,被別人無理辱罵的時間,你能在主裏活出溫柔嗎?


親愛的主耶穌基督 ,多謝祢為我們死在十架上。 在十架上,祢受盡凌辱,受盡屈辱,受盡凌罵。 相比袮在十架上的時候,我們每一天的生活所受的很微不足道,很渺小。主啊 ,求袮幫助我們,離開試探,離開屈辱。 但若果這是袮的旨意,求袮成全。幫助我們,預備我們,訓練我們,讓我們經歷屈辱時,能活出袮的溫柔,榮耀袮的名。阿們。
湯凱良 長老
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