May 02 Kidz Sunday School

We are using The Gospel Project Bible Study curriculum for our online Preschool/K and Elementary Sunday School classes.  We are going through the Bible chronologically on a journey to discover how the gospel unfolds.

We are currently studying the New Testament and going through lessons from <Volume 11: The Church United>.  You can find the songs for this quarter's lessons on Spotify® for Preschool-K and Grade 1-6.

Below is a summary of this week's Sunday School lesson for the parents.  If you have registered your child(ren) for Kidz Sunday School, you can access the full lesson and resources on the CCAC KidMin Resources group page (log in to see the resources list) to use with your family at home.

Unit 32, Session 1: Peter Escaped from Prison (Acts 12)

Peter had witnessed the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Gentile believers. God made it clear: the gospel is for all because Jesus is Lord of all. Peter returned to Jerusalem and told the believers there what had happened. At this time, other believers who had scattered amid persecution were preaching the gospel. By God’s grace, people believed and the church grew.

Before long, King Herod Agrippa attacked the believers. He arrested Peter and killed James, the brother of John. Herod put Peter in prison and planned to kill him too.

While Peter was in prison, the other believers prayed earnestly for him. God answered their prayers. Guided by an angel late one night, Peter walked right out of the prison. He escaped to the house of Mary and told the believers gathered there what God had done. Then Peter left Jerusalem for a while because his life was in danger.

Consider emphasizing one or more of the following points as you talk about this Bible story. First, prayer is powerful. God answered the people’s prayers for Peter. When we pray, God hears us, and we can trust that He is good and will act according to His will. Prayer shouldn’t be a last resort for people who feel powerless about their circumstances. Prayer is powerful; we can call on the Lord of the universe at any time!

Second, God is in control. God had a plan for Peter and the church. Herod couldn’t stop God’s plan. God rescued Peter from his enemies. Even when our own plans fall apart, God is in control.

Finally, following Jesus is risky—but worth it. Peter knew he would face death because He believed in Jesus. Many believers were killed because of their faith. But Peter didn’t hide or give up. He kept going so he could share the good news of the gospel. Jesus is worth living—and dying—for.

God answered the people’s prayers for Peter. God had a plan for Peter and the church, and He rescued Peter from his enemies. Peter knew he would face death because He believed in Jesus, but he kept going so he could share the good news of the gospel.

Check this session’s Activity Page and the Gospel Project for Kids Family App for ways to interact with the Bible content this week.

  • God rescued Peter from prison.
  • What is our mission as Christians? Our mission is to make followers of Jesus from every nation by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • God rescued Peter from prison.
  • What is our mission as Christians? Our mission is to make disciples of all nations by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."  Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)
  • "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

Paul's First Journey (Acts 13-14)




