
He delivers and rescues; he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, he who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions.

Daniel 6:27


King Darius of Persia, a pagan king, responded in worship when God Yahweh saved his servant Daniel from the lions.  Daniel prioritized putting God first in all of his life, and his political adversaries had him thrown to the lions.  God frees us, saves us, extricates us, rescues us from any danger - especially when we are living fully committed to Him.  This had such an impact on the King that he wrote to his entire Kingdom and leads them to worship God!  Are you Christ-centred?  Putting your hope in our Saviour Jesus?  Are you Spirit-empowered - able to see God's saving hand?  Are you mission-focused and putting God's Kingdom first and foremost in your life?  Come to Jesus, He is a firm foundation, a shelter in the storm, sure to save.


Thank you Jesus that you save!  Thank yout hat you create and make anew all of Creation in order to demonstrate your sovereignty and power.  Help me to be like Daniel - stubborn in my faith to you.  Help me to be dedicated to serving you first and foremost!  Holy Spirit help me to see where you are acting!  Holy Spirit help me to be Christ-Centred and mission-focused on the things of God's heart.  Amen
Pastor Jon Lim


但以利書 6:27


波斯的大利烏王,一位異教的國王,敬奉地回應上帝耶和華將他的僕人但以理從獅子群中拯救出來。但以理一生將神放在所有事情的首位,而他的政治對手將他扔於獅子群中。神釋放我們,拯救我們,解脫我們,將我們從任何危險中拯救出來 - 特別當我們在生活中完全地對衪忠誠。這事對國王有相當的影響,他寫信給他整個王國以及帶領他們向神敬拜!你是否以基督為中心?把你的希望放於我們救世主耶穌?你是否以聖靈為能力 - 可看見神拯救的手?你是否以宣教為中心及把神的國度放於你生命中的首位及最重要的?來到主耶穌前,祂是堅固的磐石,是風暴中的避難所,必定拯救。


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