
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17


Last Sunday in English Service, Pastor Jon preached on the 6 markers of a Transformed Christian. These 6 markers are:
1. A transformed past
2. A transformed understanding
3. A transformed security
4. Transformed relationships
5. Transformed gifts
6. Transformed goals

As we journey to be disciples that are completely and wholly devoted to Jesus Christ, we need to humbly lay before Him every aspect of our entire life, and allow him to transform us into the men and women He intends us to be. As we reflect on our own human nature and selfishness, we will likely realize that there is some area in our life which we hold on to and want to maintain control over. What area of your life do you cling to and resist yielding full control over to Christ? Is it something you did or something that was done to you in the past? Is it your worldview and how you understand life and eternity? Is it where you place your hope and security? Is it the way you handle your relationships with friends and/or family? Is it how you use (or don't use) the gifts and talents God has given to you? Is it the plans and goals you have for your future? Whatever it may be, identify it, lay it before King Jesus Christ, and allow Him to transform you into a new creation!


Lord Jesus, You are not only the King of the universe, but you are also the King of my life. I want to give you full authority over every area of my life, but I confess that there are areas in my life which I hold on to as my own. Lord, please reveal to me what areas I have not yielded kingship over to you, and help me Lord to release my grip in those areas to you. You are a wise and loving God. Help me to trust you with whatever it is I am holding on to, and allow you to transform that area of my life into something that is God-honoring and holy in your sight. I want to put to death my old self, and claim the new creation that you have transformed me into. Oh Lord, please come transform me into a disciple that is fully devoted to you.
In Christ's name I pray, Amen
Elder Gabriel Choi

若有人在基督裡 ,他就是新造的人 ,舊事已過 ,都變成新的了。

哥林多後書 5:17


1. 改造了的過去
2. 改造了的理解
3. 改造了的安全感
4. 改做了的關係
5. 改造了的天賦
6. 改做了的目標

當我們在成為門徒的旅程中完全的奉獻給主耶穌基督,我們需要謙卑地在衪面前放下我們整個生命的每方面,及容許衪改造我們成為衪計劃中的男與女。當我們反思我們自己的人性及自私, 我們很可能會意識到在我們生命中有一些地方我們仍執着的或者仍然想保持控制。在你的生命中有哪些地方你仍然依偎著並抗拒順服完全的控制給基督?是否一些過去你做過的事或者對你做過的事?是否你的價值觀及你如何理解生命及永恆?是否你擺放希望及安全感嘅地方?是否處理你跟朋友或者家人關係的方式?是否你怎樣運用(或者不運用)神給你的天賦及才能?是否你對你將來的的計劃及目標?不管是甚麼,把它辨認出來,躺放在君王主耶穌基督前,並讓衪改造你成為新造的人!


奉主名求, 阿門!
蔡基立 長老
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