
And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking. They signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

Luke 5:5-7


“Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” (Verse 5).  I think this verse is very interesting.  How did the disciples go from extreme disappointment to infinite joy?  Try to imagine, they made every effort hoping to catch the fish, however there was nothing after all day effort.  It must be sad, helpless, discouraging and disappointing for them.  This had caused them to psychologically embed the dissatisfaction about the current situation in their hearts. This is similar to our ministry. Have you ever experienced putting hard work but there was no results at the end?  And this further leads to disappointment towards ministry because we want it to succeed.  However, one can withdraw from disappointment when he or she hears the invitation from Jesus, and put the listening into practice according to Jesus' way.  They thought they might experience disappointment again by following Jesus' way, but they still followed the way of Jesus.  The difference between before and now was their time, arrangement and behavior against Jesus' time and arrangement respectively.  The result was that they experienced completely unexpected things happened.  In fact, we are actually the same to them, when we experience letting go and let the Lord lead in the way that we think it completely makes no sense (but going in the right direction).  Under the leadership of Jesus, the result is pleasantly surprised and unpredictable.  Everything is only in God's time, God's arrangement and God's leading, the impossible can also become a great blessing.


Lord Jesus, please help our hearts to listen to you in everything.  Although we do not see how following your way will break through the existing dilemma, difficulty and problem, our hearts can only experience your leading by only relying on you.  Lord please help us. Amen!
Rev. Alan Lam

西門說:「夫子,我們整夜勞力,並沒有打著什麼,但依從你的話,我就下網。」 他們下了網,就圈住許多魚,網險些裂開, 便招呼那隻船上的同伴來幫助。他們就來,把魚裝滿了兩隻船,甚至船要沉下去。

路加福音 5:5-7


「夫子,我們整夜勞力,並沒有打著什麼,但依從你的話,我就下網。」(5節) 我覺得這句話好有意思。門徒是怎樣從極度失望回到無限喜樂。試幻想一下,他們用盡一切努力希望捉到魚,可惜一整日所有勞力什麼都無。心情一定難過,無奈,灰心,失望,對於他們的心理埋下對於現壯的非常不滿。這跟我們的事奉相似,有沒有經歷勞心勞力到最後沒有任何效果,結果是以後對事奉很失望,因為我們希望成功。但是人能夠離開失望是那一刻他們聽見耶穌的邀請,就是用耶穌的方法去實踐出來。他們心想用耶穌的方法好有可能經歷的都是失望,但是他們仍然跟住耶穌的方法去行。不同的是,之前是他們的時間,安排和行為,現在是耶穌的時間和安排,結果是他們經歷完全意想不到的事情發生。而我們其實也是一樣,當我們經歷放手,由主帶領完全不MAKE SENSE (向對的方向走), 但在耶穌的領導下,結果是喜出望外,是不能側透。任何事只有按神的時間,神的安排和神的帶領,無可能的也可以成為極大的祝福。


林志恆 牧師
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