
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.

Psalm 28:7


Jesus I believe in You. Do we truly believe in Jesus? Who is Jesus that we have to believe in and what does He give to us? “The Lord is my strength and my shield” - if you have ever in any job interview, you may be asked how you see yourself in 1, 3 or 5 years. Similar to that, how would you see you and your family's lives in 1, 3 or 5 years? Your answer may be I don't know, in fact, nobody knows. "My heart trusts in Him and I am helped". If we believe in Jesus wholeheartedly, does this question important anymore? Jesus, my Lord will have the best for us and will guide us through. Jesus, I believe in You.


Jesus, I believe in You. Jesus, I believe in You. Jesus, I believe in You. We are lost and tired, we don't know how long we can handle in this situation. I understand we need to believe in You and no need to be afraid. I am weak and I need Your help. Please do be my strength and my shield. Though I am faint and feeble, You have never forsaken me. But You are there to enfold me. Jesus, I believe in You because You said "Fear not, only Believe." Please help to strength my Faith and well as my family. Amen.
Elder Eric Tong

耶 和 華 是 我 的 力 量 、 是 我 的 盾 牌 . 我 心 裡 倚 靠 他 、 就 得 幫 助 . 所 以 我 心 中 歡 樂 . 我 必 用 詩 歌 頌 讚 他 。



耶穌,我相信祢。 我們真是相信耶穌嗎? 耶穌是誰? 祂有什麼值得我們相信?祂給了我們什麼呢?“ 耶和華是我的力量,是我的盾牌”, 如果你曾經參加工作面議被問及你怎樣計劃未來一年,三年,或五年。相同道理,現在,你怎計劃自己和你的家庭未來一年,三年或五年呢? 答案很可能是我不知道,其實沒有人知道。“我心裏倚靠祂,就得幫助,所以我心中歡樂,我必用詩歌頌讚祂"。如果我們是真心相信耶穌,以上的問題其實不重要了。耶穌,我的神會將最好的給我們,亦會引導我們就義路。耶穌,我相信祢。


耶穌我相信祢。耶穌我相信祢。耶穌我相信祢。我們失落及疲累, 我並不知道我們要在這個大流行多久 。我明白我們要相信祢, 也不要懼怕 。但主呀 ,我是軟弱,求祢幫助我們,求祢憐憫我們。耶和華是我的力量,是我的盾牌。 "軟弱無力身軀快要倒下,主祢的雙手總在背後環繞着我"。 耶穌我相信祢,因為祢曾經應許我們 -「 不要怕,只要信。」主呀 !請祢堅固我們的信心,堅固我們家庭的信心 。阿門。
湯凱良 長老
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