
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

John 14:27


When I read this passage I thought: What is different about the peace of Jesus? How is He different from the peace of the world?  In the face of the pandemic, although we have relaxed a little, we are still far from complete peace.  Everyone is in helplessness and fear about different decisions.  The peace that Jesus gives us is not the peace we have because the pandemic is gone, but it is when the pandemic cannot be resolved, when lives are still threatened, we still don't have to be afraid in the peace of the Lord.  For example, Daniel knew that people would take him to the lions’ den and throw him in, but he did not escape but faced it bravely.  Likewise for his three friends, they still believed that their death was also the glory of God despite God's protection.  In the Lord, all peace and danger are subject to God’s control.  Therefore, the peace in the world is empty and powerless, people are unable to keep a certain peace even after everything has been done.  Instead, Christians face it calmly, they do everything they can and then follow God's leading.  Let the power of God fill you, then the peace is the power of God in the heart but not from the external environment.


Lord Jesus!  We beg for your peace to replace the peace in the world that we focus on.  Please teach us to see you, so life does not circle around my personal peace, but focus on your mind and leading.  When we live in your peace, everything else becomes less important.  Amen!
Rev. Alan Lam


約翰福音 14:27


當我讀到這段經文便想: 耶穌的平安有什麼不同? 他跟世人的平安有什麼不同? 面對疫情,我們雖然放鬆了一點,但是離完全的平安還是很遠。大家都對不同決定處於無奈和惶恐中。耶穌給我們的平安不是疫情沒有了所以有平安, 乃是在疫情無法解決時生命仍有威脅中,在主裡平安是我們不用懼怕。例如: 但以理他明明知道人會捉他去獅子坑, 將他扔入去,但他不是逃避卻是勇敢面對,如他的三個朋友,神是會保護但若果沒有安全他們仍相信自己的死亡也是神的榮耀。這就是在主裡一切的安危都是服在神的掌權中。所以, 世人的平安是虛空無力,做儘一切都保不住一定的平安,反而基督徒安然面對,做的一切足夠了那麼就隨住神的帶領,讓神的能力充滿,那麼平安就是神在心中的力量不是外在的環境。


主耶穌! 求你對我們的平安取締我們著眼世界裡的平安。求你教導我們看見你,已至生命不是圍繞住我個人的平安,反而著重你的心意和帶領。當我們活在你的平安中,其他一切事都變得不是那麼重要。阿們!
林志恆 牧師
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