
The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed,a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. Sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion!  Tell among the peoples his deeds! For he who avenges blood is mindful of them; he does not forget the cry of the afflicted.

Psalm 9:9-12


This year, many people feel that they have lost a whole year.  Apart from reduced activities and economic recession due to the pandemic, there are still many people in various places of the world who are oppressed, living in extreme pain for a long time, and their freedom was exploited.  For example, there are some countries with frequent civil wars, young people living in human trafficking, and people living under totalitarian government.  Their days are lost like running water every day.  Psalm 9 says that God is the ultimate shelter. He remembers those who are aggrieved and never forgets those who are suffering.  When I think about the loss of this year, I also never forget to remember those who are still living in distress.  Let them know that the hope is in God because He is our shelter.


Thank you Father for we can still speak to worship you.  Pray that God can help those who are living in loss of freedom, being oppressed, and living in hardship.  Let them be comforted in God, and to know you and follow you.  May you execute salvation and justice among the nations. Amen!
Pastor Ivan Loo

耶和華要作受欺壓者的庇護所, 在患難時的庇護所。 耶和華啊,認識你名的人要倚靠你, 因你沒有離棄尋求你的人。 應當歌頌居於 錫安 的耶和華, 將他所做的傳揚在萬民中。 那位追討流人血的, 他記念受屈的人, 不忘記困苦人的哀求。

詩篇 9:9-12




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