
One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple

Psalm 27:4

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Psalm 84:10


About 22 weeks or 154 days has been passed since CCAC closes the physcial door and relocates to online only. On Aug 9, tomorrow, CCAC will reopen for physcial worship. When we prepare for opening, we went back to church a month ago, even though there is no physcial limitation for worship God, we were very happy to be able to get into God's temple again. When things are normal, we always take it for granted, we may not apprecaite what God gives to us. We may skip worship because we are sleepy or getting a Stampede stamp. We put the pirority for worship God is low because we think there is always tomorrow or next week. On July 5, I have never had that strong desire and feeling to rush back to God's temple to worship Him. Thanks Lord to let me experience what "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere" truth means. Brother and Sister, are you "long for God", "Long for Worship Him", "Long for seek him in His Temple"?


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for forgiving our sin, thank you for forgiving that we did not put you in pirority. Thank you for your patience and allow us to have chance worshipping You again in Your temple. Please forgive our ignorance on You and please guide us to focus on You. Holy Spirit, please continue to work in our heart and help us to be Christ Centred, Spirit-empowered and Mission-focused disciples. Amen.
Elder Eric Tong


詩篇 27:4

在你院子裡住一日,勝過在別處住千日;寧願站在我 神殿中的門檻上,也不願住在惡人的帳棚裡。

詩篇 84:10


已經是22星期,或是154天了。教會己停止了實體崇拜,而開始網上崇拜。即使我們敬拜並不受制於教會的四面牆,為了弟兄姊妹能重新回到實體敬拜,在一個月多前,大家在教會作準備。能夠重新回到神的殿中去敬拜祂,實在不能用言語去表達內心複雜的感受。 當事情是平常,在大流行之前,我們未必感謝神賜給我們的一切。可能是太疲累,又或者當天是牛仔節,我們可能並未能回到祂的殿中去敬拜祂。我們常常將神放在次位。有可能我們相信還有明天,下一個星期也可以敬拜祂。7月5號當天,我帶著失去己久,興奮心情衝回到神的殿去敬拜祂。感謝神讓我能夠重新去明白詩篇所說「在袮院子裏住一日,勝過在別處住千日。」 弟兄姊妹,你是否渴慕神呢?你是否渴慕去敬拜祂?渴慕在祂的殿中尋求祂的面呢?


湯凱良 長老
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