
雅 各 書1:13

Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one.

James 1:13


What temptations are pressing in on you at this moment?  Is it despair?  Is it anger?  Lust?  Greed?  Fear of the unknown?  Anxiety in what cannot be seen? Rejoice in this present testing, because it is an opportunity for Jesus to shine!  It is an opportunity for the believer to declare hour by hour, 'Jesus, I believe you save, I believe you deliver, I believe you defend - so please save me at this moment in this temptation.  The devil would love for you to have the perpective that God is tempting you and trying to entrap you.  But God does not tempt us, God delivers us through Jesus Christ, our ransom, our great hope!  So let us have God's perspective that every trial, every tribulation is another opportunity for us to draw close to God in trust, in love, in faith.  It is an opportunity for you to see the deliverance of Jesus in your day to day living.


Father God, forgive me for attributing my temptations to belief that you are bad or not for me.  I confess my temptations of lust, pride, greed, and thinking poorly of you.  Forgive me.  Help me to repent and live a life of faith, hope and love in you! I trust you Jesus to save, to deliver, to defend me.  To defend my mind.  To save my heart.  To guard my body.  To provide.  To satisfy.  To create me anew into a person filled with the Holy Spirit!  Be my firm foundation at all times!  Amen.
Pastor Jon Lim

人 被 試 探 、 不 可 說 、 我 是 被   神 試 探 . 因 為   神 不 能 被 惡 試 探 、 他 也 不 試 探 人 




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