
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1


As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, and numbers of cases continue to rise, it is so easy to allow fear to control and cripple us. Particularly right now as many of us who are parents prepare to send our children back to school, anxiety levels are high as there are so many unknowns and potential risks we are exposing our children to. In the midst of our fears and the over-abundance of information available to us, may we cling to this truth: that the Lord is my light, my salvation, and the stronghold of my life. When we focus our thoughts and energies on that truth, then we come to the realization that we really have nothing or no one to be afraid of. Even in the face of suffering, or sickness, or even death, these things have no power over us, for we know that our peace and eternal security is in the Lord!


Lord Jesus, I confess to you that I am often fearful. I am afraid of what will happen if I or one of my loved ones get infected by Covid. I am afraid of potential risks, both real and perceived. I am afraid of death. Help me Lord to release my fears to you. You are the King of the universe who holds all eternity in the palm of your hands. Help me to also place my fears into your hands and cling to you as the stronghold of my life. Thank you Lord for being my source of peace in the midst of my fears and worries. You are my light and my salvation. In Christ's name I pray, Amen
Elder Gabriel Choi

耶 和 華 是 我 的 亮 光 , 是 我 的 拯 救 , 我 還 怕 誰 呢 ? 耶 和 華 是 我 性 命 的 保 障 ( 或 譯 : 力 量 ) , 我 還 懼 誰 呢 ?

詩 篇 27:1


冠狀病毒繼續肆虐,染病人數不斷增加,我們很容易被恐懼控制和苦害。特別是現在,我們當中許多為人父母的,須為子女開學做準備。我們感到非常擔憂,因孩子要面對很多不明朗的情况和潛在的風險。 在恐懼和排山倒海而來的資訊當中,願我們緊記以下這個真理:耶和華是我的亮光,是我的拯救,也是我性命的保障。當我們把思想和力量都集中在這個真理上面,就可認識到,我們真的沒有需要懼怕任何事或任何人。就是苦難,疾病,甚至死亡也不能勝過我們,因深知我們在主裏面有平安和永恒的保障!


主耶稣, 我承認我時常害怕。害怕假如我或所愛的人感染冠狀病毒,我們怎辦。我害怕潛在的危險,不論是真實的還是感覺上的。我害怕死亡。 主,請幫助我把恐懼卸給你。你是宇宙的王,永恒也在你掌握之中。幫我也將恐懼交在你手中;你是我性命的保障,請幫我緊靠你。在我恐懼和憂慮時,你是我平安之源,感謝主。你是我的亮光,我的拯救。 奉基督之名禱告。 阿門
蔡基立 長老
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