
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.

Ephesians 1:3


"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places".  We receive blessings in the Lord Jesus Christ, this includes all kinds of blessings in the heaven.  So what are these blessings?  It includes love, hope, rest, peace, relaxation, peaceful coexistence, peace with God, harmony, grace, food and clothing and satisfaction, etc.  We try to seek for every one of them on earth, but it’s very difficult.  Consequently, our body and soul are very tired.  We feel weak and a lot of pressure in life.  This can be compared to us trying to buy Adidas shoes in the Nike store, or ordering western food in a Chinese restaurant.  We will only find similar flavors or styles, but they are never what we wanted whatsoever.  Hence, glory to God is the center of these blessings.  Only when God lives in people's hearts, they will have the opportunity to live out the Father’s will.


Lord Jesus, please give us wisdom in our heart, so that we can understand the truths. Please give us the ability to see your seeds in people’s hearts.  We pray that your spirit will always be with us!  Amen!
Rev. Alan Lam




「願頌讚歸於我們主耶穌基督的父神!他在基督裡曾賜給我們天上各樣屬靈的福氣,」 主耶穌基督裡我們就得著福氣。更加是天上各樣的福氣。這是什麼福氣, 包括: 愛, 盼望, 安息, 平安, 休息, 和平共處, 與神和好, 和諧, 恩典, 溫飽, 滿足等等.... 每一樣野都係我們地上嘗試尋找, 但係真的好困難。因為咁, 我地身心靈都很疲倦,感覺無力, 還有生活很大壓力, 因為好似我們嘗試在NIKE 店買ADIDAS鞋款,或者在中國餐館點西餐。無論如何只會尋找到類似的味道或款式, 不過永遠不是自己想要。因為咁,回到歸榮耀與神就是這些福氣中心。當神住在內心中,人先有機會去活出天父的心意。


主耶穌,求你給我們智慧的心,好讓我們明白真理。求你給我們能力,好讓看見你在人心中的種子。祈求你的靈常與我們同在! 阿門
林志恆 牧師
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