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As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. They said to Moses, “Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? Didn’t we say to you in Egypt, ‘Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians’? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!” Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.

Exodus 14: 10 - 15


The Israelites recently came out of Egypt and experienced God's work one after one including the Passover. When things didn't go with the way they would like to see, they would blame Moses. In this case, they would rather go back to Egypt and live in their virtual world. "Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians". For today, if Egypt is our virtual church, the promise land is back to physcial church gathering, our "back to church" will be as hard as the journey to the promise land. Worshipping God has no broundary and doesn't have to be physcially attended, but asking ourselves a question. For every Sunday, Am I worshipping on Sunday at home? or Am I watching a worship? or even am I listening to a worship radio? We may have many reason not coming back to church for worship but at the same time, we may also having meals with friends in a restaurant or playing at a packed park. We will still have fear and uncomfortable to accept the new normal but God promises "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today."


Our creator, thanks for You listening to our prayer. Lord, we are weak. Although you have shown us many miralce, we are still not having enough faith. Through the song, Lord, we understand where my help come from. It is from You who created the world. It comes from You. Lord, we still have fear and September is coming, we are afraid everything will get worse again. Please guide us to be faithful, with Your power and peace, we can accept the new normal bit by bit. Lord, please continue to guide our path forward, no matter where we are, help us to focus on worshipping You. We pray in Jesus's name. Amen.
Elder Eric Tong

法老臨近的時候,以色列人舉目看見埃及人趕來,就甚懼怕,向耶和華哀求。 他們對摩西說,難道在埃及沒有墳地,你把我們帶來死在曠野麼。你為甚麼這樣待我們,將我們從埃及領出來呢。我們在埃及豈沒有對你說過,不要攪擾我們,容我們服事埃及人麼,因為服事埃及人比死在曠野還好。摩西對百姓說,不要懼怕,只管站住,看耶和華今天向你們所要施行的救恩,因為,你們今天所看見的埃及人,必永遠不再看見了。耶和華必為你們爭戰,你們只管靜默,不要作聲。耶和華對摩西說,你為甚麼向我哀求呢,你吩咐以色列人往前走。

出 14:10 - 15


以色列人剛剛在埃及一次又一次的經歷神包括 第一次的逾越節。在曠野,當事情並沒有他們想像一樣,他們會責怪摩西,寧願回到埃及去服侍埃及人。今, 若果埃及是我們網上的教會,而回到實體就是那應許之地,回到教會的旅程就是到應許之地的曠野之旅。雖然崇拜神並沒有界限所限制,亦不受四面牆所限制,我們 撫心自問一個問題。星期日,我們在家中專心敬拜神嗎?還是我是在看一個崇拜?甚至可是在聆聽一個崇拜電台呢 ?有很多原因並未能重新回到教會崇拜,但我們有沒有與此同時與朋友在餐廳聚餐或是到人流多的地方呢?我們仍然有恐懼,仍然有不安去接受這一個新的常態。神曾應許我們,"不要懼怕,只管站在,看耶和華今天向你們所要是行的救恩"


創造天地萬物的主,多謝袮。 多謝袮垂聽禱告,主呀! 我是軟弱無助,祢已經給我們很多很多的神蹟,但我們仍然缺乏信心。 透過這一首詩歌,主啊,我明白我的幫助從何而來,我的幫助從造天地的耶和華,祢,我的神而來。 我仍然有恐懼,9月到的時候.一切也可能變得更差.但我靠着祢給我的信心,力量,一步一步,心中無懼怕,去接受這一個新的事實 。主啊,求祢幫助我們前面走的道路,專心去敬拜祢。奉主耶穌基督得勝之名祈求,阿們
湯凱良 長老
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