
[ Justification ]By grace we have been saved.

Ephesians 2:8

[ Sanctification ]The Lord is my light and my salvation —-whom shall I fear?

Psalm 27:1

[ Glorification ]Watch your life and doctrine closely, if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

1Timothy 4:16


David Pawson used to love to say, “I am not saved, yet. I am being saved.” He effectively taught us all that salvation is a life long journey made up of three intricately connected parts. There are justification, sanctification and glorification. You cannot have any one of them without the other. As we read in the Pilgrim’s Progress, the enemy will always try to derail us at any juncture. AB Simpson used to call those claimed to be justified but showing no sign of Sanctification—“half saved”. Thank God, David finished his race and was welcomed into His presence on May 21 this year. Now he is completely saved!


Dear Lord, thank you for reminding me through David Pawson that I am not saved, yet. Please help me to keep the faith and to finish my race in Your strength. Amen.
Rev. James Chuang

[ 稱義 ]你 們 得 救 是 本 乎 恩

以 弗 所 書 2:8

[ 成聖 ]耶 和 華 是 我 的 亮 光 , 是 我 的 拯 救 , 我 還 怕 誰 呢 ?

詩篇 27:1

[ 得榮 ]你 要 謹 慎 自 己 和 自 己 的 教 訓 , 要 在 這 些 事 上 恆 心 ; 因 為 這 樣 行 , 又 能 救 自 己 , 又 能 救 聽 你 的 人 。

提 摩 太 前 書 4:16


大衛鮑森生前常說:「我並非已然得救。我是不斷被拯救。」 他有效地教導我們眾人,救恩是畢生的歷程,由三方面奥妙地組成,就是稱義,成聖和得榮。你不能只有其中一樣,而沒有其他。一如《天路歷程》這書所言,仇敵在任何時間都不斷試圖要令我們潰敗。AB孫遜常說,那些聲稱已稱義,但卻無成聖跡象的人,是「一半得救」。感謝神,大衛鮑森已於今年五月二十一日行完了他的路程,被神接回天家。他現在全然得救了!


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