
Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.

Acts 17:11


I recently learnt from a piece of news that a couple thought that COVID was fake news. So they ignored the health guidelines issued by the government. They even did not seek help when early symptoms emerged. Finally, they were confirmed to have contracted COVID. Though the husband recovered, his wife died of the disease. In this generation overwhelmed with information, we find it hard to discern truth from falsity. Jesus also reminds us in Matthew 24:23-24, "Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." What then should we do to discern truth from falsity? It is mentioned in the Bible, in the book of Acts, that Paul went to a place, Berea, on his missionary journey. The people there received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. How then is our relationship with Jesus today? Are we carefully studying his word? Can we recognize Lord Jesus' voice?


O Lord! This world is full of fake teachings and fake news. Please help us to hold fast to your word, to be able to recognize your voice and to follow you closely every day. Amen!
Elder Gordon Kwok


使徒行傳 17:11


最近讀到一則新聞,內容提到一對夫婦,他們以為新冠肺炎是一些假新聞,所以沒有理會政府所發佈的一些健康指引,甚至乎在發病初期亦沒有尋求任何幫助。最後他們確診為新冠肺炎患者,雖然丈夫康復了,但太太卻因病離開了人世。 在這個資訊氾濫的世代裏,我們很難去知道什麼是真,什麼是假。耶穌在馬太福音24:23-24 亦提醒我們「那時,若有人對你們說『基督在這裡』,或說『基督在那裡』,你們不要信。因為假基督、假先知將要起來,顯大神蹟、大奇事,倘若能行,連選民也就迷惑了。」到底我們要怎樣做才可分辨真假呢? 聖經在使徒行傳裏提到,在保羅的宣教旅程中,他去到一個叫庇哩亞的地方。那地方的人甘心領受這道,天天查考聖經,要曉得這道是與不是。到底今天我們與耶穌的關係是怎樣呢?我們有沒有好好研讀祂的話語?我們能否認出主耶穌的聲音呢?


郭朝輝 長老
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