
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31


One of Satan's tricks is to isolate us and confuse us regarding our relationship with Him.  In isolation, we get insecure and are tempted to forget the goodness of our God.  This mid-September day, how are you feeling?  Are you restless?  Unsettled?  Have courage!  God has chosen you.  The evidence if this is that God sent his best, Jesus Christ His Son, in order to purchase redemption for us through Jesus' shed blood on the cross.  God desires good for you, and has proven it!  God is for you!  God has chosen you to be his adopted child - so sink deep into that!  Who can possibly stand against God, the Creator, the Supreme One, the Lord of all!  No one!


Father God, thank you for life!  Help me to be Christ-Centred especially when I feel isolated or insecure.  Help me to remember how much you love me.  You loved me and all humans so much you gave your very best, Jesus Christ, for us.  Amazing grace!  Help me to embrace the identity you have given me as an adopted son or daughter of God!  And help me to live confidently against the enemy, Satan.  If God you have called me by name, and given me salvation - who can stand against that!  No one!  Not even the devil!  Thank you God.  Thank you Jesus!
Pastor Jon Lim

既 是 這 樣 , 還 有 甚 麼 說 的 呢 ? 神 若 幫 助 我 們 , 誰 能 敵 擋 我 們 呢 ?

羅 馬 書 8:31


撒旦的其中一個把戲是使我們孤立,使我們對與衪的關係感到困惑。當孤立時,我們變得不安穩,並容易忘記我們神的良善。在這9月中旬的一天,您感覺如何?你焦躁嗎? 你不安嗎?  振作起來! 上帝揀選了你。這證據就是上帝給我們衪的最好,衪的兒子耶穌基督。為了透過耶穌在十字架上流的血為我們換取救贖。上帝渴望好的事給你,並證明了這一點!上帝是幫助我們的!上帝揀選了你成為衪收養的孩子 - 所以請牢牢記住!誰能對抗上帝,造物主,至高無上的一位,萬物之主? 沒有人!


父神,感謝有生命!幫助我成為以基督為中心的人,尤其是當我感穩到孤立或不安時。幫助我記得你有多愛我。你十分愛我和所有人類,所以就給我們你的最好,耶穌基督。奇異恩典!幫助我擁抱您賦予我的上帝兒子或女兒的身份,並幫助我自信地與敵人撒旦對抗。如果上帝你呼召了我名字,並給了我救恩 - 誰能反抗? 沒有人!甚至魔鬼也不能!感謝上帝。感謝耶穌!
林永全 傳道
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