
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Hebrews 4:12


In today's world, we are suffering from information overload. Our brains are constantly bombarded by social media posts, carefully culled news feeds, streamed TV shows/movies, internet ads, podcasts, video games...and the list goes on and on and on. And the scary thing is, when we consume all this media, we tend to allow our brains to go into passive mode, and let all the subtle messages from these inputs infiltrate our thinking and our worldview. In my family, one of the things we have been trying to do after we watch a show or a movie is to challenge our kids (and ourselves) to reflect on what was the message that show was trying deliver. I was surprised how difficult it was for my kids to articulate the message, and how they tended to just focus on the entertainment value of the show. As followers of Christ, we need to make sure that our minds are always active in this world we live in. We should constantly be examining what we are intellectually consuming through the lens of the living and active word of God. God's word is eternal, it is perfect, it is absolute. Don't allow yourself to compromise the truths in the bible as you experience the pull and influence of this world. Take time to study the word and dig into it. Be alert and on guard, so that when you encounter messages that are contrary to the word of God, you can stand firm on the truth and not be swayed to compromise what you know to be true.


Lord Jesus, Thank you for your word, which is alive and active. There is power in your word that penetrates to our very soul and spirit. Give us a desire and a longing to read and know your word. We confess that there are times when we allowed our minds to be passively conformed to the pattern of this world. We pray that instead, we would, allow your word to transform us by the renewing of our minds. Help us to be so rooted in your word that we can discern truth from falsehood, and cling to that which we know is true. Thank you for your word. In Christ's name we pray, Amen
Elder Gabriel Choi

神 的 道 是 活 潑 的 , 是 有 功 效 的 , 比 一 切 兩 刃 的 劍 更 快 , 甚 至 魂 與 靈 , 骨 節 與 骨 髓 , 都 能 刺 入 、 剖 開 , 連 心 中 的 思 念 和 主 意 都 能 辨 明 。

希 伯 來 書 4:12


於當今世界,我們蒙受資訊氾濫之害。不斷轟炸我們腦袋的計有社交媒體帖文,細心剪裁的新聞,串流電視節目/電影,互聯網廣告,「播客」(podcasts),視頻遊戲....等等。而恐怖之處是,當我們吸收這一切媒體資訊的時候,很容易就容讓自己的腦袋處於被動狀態,讓這些資訊所傳達的微妙信息渗入我們的思想,影響我們的世界觀。在我們家庭,於看過一個節目或一部電影後,我們盡量會做的其中一件事,就是挑戰孩子(和我們自已),去思考有關節目試圖傳達的是甚麼信息。我感到出奇的是,孩子們很難說出有關信息,幾乎只是專注於節目的娛樂價值。 作為跟隨基督的人,我們須確保於世上活着時,心靈時常保持活躍,透過神活潑和有功效的道,不斷檢視頭腦所吸收的。神的道是永恆,完美和絕對的。在你受到世界吸引和影響的時候,切勿容許自己在聖經真理方面作出妥協。花時間鑽研神的道。須儆醒謹守,在遇到跟神的道相悖的信息時,你就能夠緊守真理;對確信為真的,就不會動搖而有所妥協


蔡基立 長老
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