
And he (Paul) said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”

Acts 19:2 


During Paul's third missionary journey, he met a couple of disciples in Ephesus. Although they had believed in the Lord, when Paul asked if they received the Holy Spirit when they believed, they unexpectedly said "no", neither had they even heard that there was a Holy Spirit. Did we have similar experience after we had believed in the Lord? We probably have decided to accept the Lord and have been baptized. Also, we attended worship meetings week after week, and served actively in the church. We were Christians in the eyes of others. However, when asked about our relationship with Jesus Christ or if we experienced the Holy Spirit's guidance, would our answers be "no" also? If we had a very good relationship with God, let's thank the Lord! But if we had neglected our relationship with God, let's quiet down, pray and look upon God, in order that we can experience God more.


O Lord! Please forgive us if we were only busy in superficial worship and service, but neglecting our relationship with you. Please help us to experience you more. Amen!
Elder Gordon Kwok


使徒行傳 19:2


在保羅的第三次宣教旅程中,他在以弗所遇見幾個門徒。雖然他們信了主,但當保羅問他們信主的時候受了聖靈沒有,他們竟然回答「沒有」,也未曾聽見有聖靈賜下來。 在我們的信主經歷中有沒有類似的情況呢?我們可能曾經決志,也受了洗,每星期參與敬拜,也在教會積極事奉,在別人眼中是一個基督徒。但若被問到我們與耶穌基督的關係時,或在過去的有沒有經歷聖靈的帶領,我們的回答會否也是「沒有」呢? 如果我們與神的關係很好,讓我們感謝主!但如果我們忽略了與神的關係,請我們安靜下來,禱告仰望神,讓我們可以更多的經歷神。


郭朝輝 長老
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