
For this reason I make request to you, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you will give your bodies as a living offering, holy, pleasing to God, which is the worship it is right for you to give him. And let not your behaviour be like that of this world, but be changed and made new in mind, so that by experience you may have knowledge of the good and pleasing and complete purpose of God.

Romans 12:1-2


School restarted last week, my workplace is also officially back to office this week. What is normal? What is the right thing to do? Is going back a right decision? There are many different opinions on every argument and which one is correct? This bible verse was the annual theme verse when I was in Bethlehem fellowship and I memorize in my mind. “By the mercies of God”, “give your bodies as a living offering”, “let not your behavior be like that of this world”, “be changed and made new in mind”. The most important is “complete purpose of God”. It doesn’t matter which side is correct, it only matters on God’s purpose for you. If you are staying home, God has a purpose for you to stay home. If you are back to school/office, God has a purpose for you too. There is a purpose for us to be in our situation and let us glorify His name.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing me into the world and giving me a purpose. We have very carefully made different decisions in our life, spent lots of time to research if our decision is right or wrong. We forget you have given us a purpose in our situation. Discard what situation we are in, please help us to glorify your name. Transform us to be a “Christ Center”, “Spirit empowers”, “mission focus disciples”, and help us to “multiple Your name everyone” in our own situation. Amen.
Elder Eric Tong

所 以 弟 兄 們 、 我 以   神 的 慈 悲 勸 你 們 、 將 身 體 獻 上 、 當 作 活 祭 、 是 聖 潔 的 、 是   神 所 喜 悅 的 . 你 們 如 此 事 奉 、 乃 是 理 所 當 然 的 。不 要 效 法 這 個 世 界 . 只 要 心 意 更 新 而 變 化 、 叫 你 們 察 驗 何 為   神 的 善 良 、 純 全 可 喜 悅 的 旨 意 。

羅馬書 12: 1 – 2




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