
...Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.

Romans 9:5b


Who is Jesus Christ to you?  Disciples are to be Christ-Centred.  So how we think about Jesus is very important.  Here Paul notes that Jesus is God.  He echoes John 1:1 in declaring Jesus is God!  Jesus doesn't just know God, but He is God!  And he is 'over all'.  Meaning Jesus has total authority, total power over everything.  He has authority over our world, our health, our relationships.  He has power and is willing to bless us.  And Jesus has blessed us with incredible blessings!  These are similar to the blessings given to Israel by God listed in Romans 9:4.  God blesses us with adoption, making us his children!  He blesses us with His glory, meaning we can meet with God face to face intimately!  He blesses us with covenant - that we have life from God through Jesus and belief in Jesus' death and resurrection.  God blesses us with giving us the Word of God to guide us!  He blesses us with the freedom to come worship Jesus Christ!  God blesses us with innumerable promises in scripture, capped with eternal life!  All these blessings are available to those who believe and trust that Jesus is the only way to salvation.  Do you believe this today?    


Jesus, help us to be Christ-centred and to think about you in the way you think of yourself.You are God!  You have authority and power and are willing to use it to reconcile all of humanity to God!  Thank you Jesus!  Today may I worship you in confidence and trust that no matter what comes my way, you are over all!  Amen
Pastor Jon Lim

...基 督 也 是 從 他 們 出 來 的 , 他 是 在 萬 有 之 上 , 永 遠 可 稱 頌 的 神 。 阿 們 !

羅 馬 書 9:5b


耶穌基督對你來說是誰?門徒要以基督為中心,所以我們如何看待耶穌是非常重要。保羅在這裡指出耶穌是神,他在宣告耶穌是上帝的過程中與約翰福音1:1互相呼應!耶穌不僅認識神,而且他是神!而且祂是"萬有之上",意思是耶穌擁有全能的權柄,全能的能力去掌控一切。祂對我們的世界,我們的健康,我們的人際關係擁有權柄。祂有能力並且願意保守我們。耶穌並且以不可思議的祝福保守了我們!這些與羅馬書9:4中列出上帝給以色列的祝福相似。上帝以收養保守我們,使我們成為祂的孩子!祂以祂的榮耀祝福我們,這意味著我們可以與上帝面對面的親密!祂以聖約祝福我們 - 即我們透過耶穌及相信耶穌的死與復活,從上帝那裡獲得生命。上帝以祂的話指引我們來祝福我們!祂保守我們有自由來敬拜耶穌基督!上帝以無數經文中的應許祝福我們,並賜給我們永生!所有這些祝福都可以給那些依靠並相信耶穌是救恩唯一途徑的人。你今天相信嗎?


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