
For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain," and, "The laborer deserves his wages."

1 Timothy 5:18 

You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.

Deut. 25:4

no bag for your journey, nor two tunics nor sandals nor a staff, for the laborer deserves his food.

Matthew 10:10


The scripture, through Paul, Moses and Christ, clearly teaches that the Christian workers deserve their financial supports. But they are not to demand remuneration from those they serve, but to trust the Great Shepherd to supply all their needs so that they lack nothing. I met a pastor who was complaining to me that his church was extremely critical of him and also very stingy, saying that he deserved better. Unfortunately, he was not very generous with his thanksgiving, praise and encouragements towards his congregation. I also know a missionary family sent to minister to the Tibetans. There are 5 million Tibetans in China with only 1000 Christians. After the home church stopped their financial support complaining that the work had very little results, God raised up another missional church which stepped in and is now providing all their spiritual, emotional and financial needs. It is a great encouragement that while the home church thinks that they are not being fruitful, God declares that they deserve their wages.


Prayer Dear Jesus, during this covid-19 period, I hear that many of Your faithful servants are suffering from lack of spiritual, emotional and material supports. I also hear that many self-supporting pastors are out of work and thus have nothing to eat. Thank you, Jesus that according to Your truth, You will abundantly provide every need of every faithful hard-working minister and the family during this world crisis.  In Your blessed name, Amen.
Rev. James Chuang

因 為 經 上 說 : 牛 在 場 上 踹 穀 的 時 候 , 不 可 籠 住 他 的 嘴 ; 又 說 : 工 人 得 工 價 是 應 當 的 。

提摩太前書 5:18

牛 在 場 上 踹 穀 的 時 候 , 不 可 籠 住 他 的 嘴 。

申 命 記 25:4

行 路 不 要 帶 口 袋 ; 不 要 帶 兩 件 褂 子 , 也 不 要 帶 鞋 和 柺 杖 。 因 為 工 人 得 飲 食 是 應 當 的 。

馬 太 福 音 10:10




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