
In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality.

1 Timothy 5:21


If we have prejudice about people and use so-called "tinted glasses" to see people, this not only influences our judgment of things, but also creates a barrier between people.  Those who care for or counsel others should even avoid prejudged prejudices.  Paul reminded Timothy that exhorting other people is not about skills, but it is about being an example of believers in words, deeds, love, faith and cleanliness.  One's behavior should conform with words, and one should convince people by virtue. Zilu, a student of Confucius once said "Those who is righteous, act without orders.  Those who is sinful, resist dispite orders.".  It means that "if the leader himself is righteous, the people will consciously do it even if he doesn't give orders.  But if the leader is not righteous, the people will not obey even if he gives orders.".  In the presence of God and Jesus Christ, and under the witness by the angels, Paul’s advice to Timothy has similar moral lessons to the wisdom of the Chinese predecessors, and the two have similarities coincidently.  However, Paul's exhortation has even higher spiritual meaning.


Dear Lord! We are willing to act with wisdom, work with full enthusiasm, and demand ourselves to behave properly while encouraging others. However all these are not relied on ourselves, but the Holy Spirit.  Lord, we pray for your mercy on how to glorify your Holy name.
Rev. Eddie Chu

我在 神和基督耶穌並蒙揀選的天使面前囑咐你、要遵守這些話、不可存成見、行事也不可有偏心

提摩太前書 5:21


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