
The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell

James 3:5-6


On our journey to becoming disciples of Christ, it requires a transformation of our entire being. This includes our thoughts, our actions, and our words. James 3 emphatically teaches us how even though the tongue is physically small, it is extremely powerful. The tongue, and be be used for either good for evil. Unfortunately, because we are sinful beings, it is so easy to fall into the habit of using our words carelessly and sinfully. This includes "innocent" white lies, gossiping about others, making jokes at another's expense, disrespectful sarcasm, misusing the name of the Lord, and the list goes on and on.

Since I work in a school setting, something I regularly hear is the excuse that "I was only joking". Proverbs 26:18-19 has more to say about that excuse! It is sad how popular culture has conditioned our minds to think what's funny is making fun of others and laughing at another person's expense. And sadly, when we use our words carelessly in this way, it will eventually end up hurting and/or offending someone. It is true that sticks and stones may break our bones, but it is also true that words have the power to break our spirit.

On the flip side, our words also have tremendous power to lift up someone's spirit. Our words have the power to give life, to encourage, to bless, to inspire, to empower, to intercede. As transformed disciples of Jesus Christ, let us tame our tongues. Let us examine carefully the words that escape our mouths, and enure we use those words in a way that brings honour and glory to Christ.


Lord Jesus, Thank you for the gift of words. Help me Lord to use my words wisely. Help me to use my words in a way that uplifts others, and brings honour to you. May your Holy Spirit lead me to know who in my life needs encouragement, and may you give me the words needed to lift that person up. I dedicate every word that comes out of my mouth to you Lord, and may you use them for your glory. In Christ's name I pray, Amen
Elder Gabriel Choi

這 樣 , 舌 頭 在 百 體 裡 也 是 最 小 的 , 卻 能 說 大 話 。 看 哪 , 最 小 的 火 能 點 著 最 大 的 樹 林 。舌 頭 就 是 火 , 在 我 們 百 體 中 , 舌 頭 是 個 罪 惡 的 世 界 , 能 污 穢 全 身 , 也 能 把 生 命 的 輪 子 點 起 來 , 並 且 是 從 地 獄 裡 點 著 的

雅 各 書 3:5-6






主耶穌, 謝謝你的話語。求主幫助我明智地運用我的話 ,幫助我用我的話語來振奮他人,並為你帶來榮耀。願你的聖靈帶領我知道我生命中需要鼓勵的人,並願你給我振奮那個人所需的言語。主,我將我口中說出的每句話都奉獻給你,願你使用它們來榮耀你。阿們!
蔡基立 長老
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