
Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest? All these things my hand has made, and so all these things came to be, declares the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my word.

Isaiah 66:1-2


Starting September, as my wife has to serve in the Chinese school on Saturdays, I need to take care of our three children, thus every Saturday a "Father's Day". Before winter comes, I tried my best to take them for a walk in the countryside. Last Saturday, a group of brothers and sisters and we went hiking in the countryside. I saw the larch trees turning yellow, which happened only once a year. I saw how wonderful God's creation and the laws of nature are. Like what is said in Isaiah 66 here, all these were created by God. What God hoped for was not the house, nor the place of rest -- what made by man can never compare with God's creation. God attaches much importance to our hearts. He only wants us to look to him, repent and follow his word. These are most important.


Thank Father God for letting us see your wonderful creation, feeling your presence through nature. For every one who would like to follow you, please  guide them so that they are well rooted in your truth and become elite soldiers of Christ. May we also have courage to face every kind of spiritual challenges. Amen.
Pastor Ivan Loo

耶和華如此說: 天是我的座位; 地是我的腳凳。 你們要為我造何等的殿宇? 哪裏是我安息的地方呢? 耶和華說:這一切都是我手所造的, 所以就都有了。 但我所看顧的, 就是虛心痛悔、 因我話而戰兢的人。

以賽亞書 66:1-2


從九月開始,因為太太要在最期六在中文學校事奉,照顧三個孩子的責任就在我身上,所以每個星期六都是 “父親節”,而在冬季來臨前都盡量帶他們到郊外走一走。昨天和一班弟兄姊妹去到郊外遠足,見到每年一次黃色落葉松樹,見到上帝的創造及大自然的規律是何等奇妙。就像以賽亞書 66章這裡說到這一齊都是神所造的,神希望見到的並不是祂的殿宇、不是祂能安息的地方,人手所做的永不能與神的創造去比較。上帝看重的是我們的心,只要我們單單仰望祂,在祂面前悔改,跟從祂的教導。這些在上帝來說比其他東西更重要。
一走。昨天和一班弟兄姊妹去到郊外遠足,見到每年一次黃色落葉松樹,見到上帝的創造及大自然的規律是何等奇妙。就像以賽亞書 66章這裡說到這一齊都是神所造的,神希望見到的並不是祂的殿宇、不是祂能安息的地方,人手所做的永不能與神的創造去比較。上帝看重的是我們的心,只要我們單單仰望祂,在祂面前悔改,跟從祂的教導。這些在上帝來說比其他東西更重要。


盧永康 傳道
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