
That no one be moved by these afflictions. For you yourselves know that we are destined for this

1 Thessalonians 3:3


One point was mentioned after the 1 Thessalonians 3:3 verse, that people are lured by temptation.  When I ask what is the temptation to you and me? Our answer might be: "I'm very busy so I don't have time for God.", "I am lazy so I don't have time for devotion.".  But these things will only hinder us from getting close to God.  And there is one temptation which can destroy our faith, that is suffering. In suffering, we are tempted deeper. It is easy for us to hear a voice saying: "God is loving, why does He make you suffer?", "God let you to have such suffering, He must not be a loving God.".  When we accept this temptation, we will completely deviate from God, because we forget that suffering is destined.  Suffering is part of the Christian life because He allows us to experience God’s perfect love through it.  Experience is neutral, but our feelings are not neutral.  The pandemic, in similar fashion, is part of the suffering that we do not have to be shocked about.  To what scenario will this suffering bring us at the end?  Being closer to God or farther away from God? This is indeed the biggest challenge for you and me.


God, please help us how to look at suffering.  We need you because we know that trouble gives us the power of patience, and patience gives experience. Only when we experience your presence with us we can get closer to you. Lord, please help us. Amen!
Rev. Alan Lam


帖前 3:3


帖前3:3節後提到一點就是人被誘惑。當我問什麼是你和我的誘惑? 我們的答案可能會是,「我很忙所以沒時間給神。」「我很懶惰,所以無時間靈修。」但是這些事只會阻礙我們親近神。但有一樣的誘惑能摧毀我們的信心,這就是患難。在患難中,我們被誘惑更深。我們很容易有一聲音說: 「神是慈愛,為什麼他會讓你受患難呢?」「神讓你受這樣患難的苦,他一定不是慈愛的神。」當我們接受了這誘惑就會完全地離開神,因為我們忘記了受患難原是命定的。患難是基督徒生活的一部份因為祂讓我們經歷什麼是神完全的愛。經歷是中性的,不中性就是我們的感受。就如疫情中,這是患難的一部份,也不是我們要驚訝,但最終這患難帶我們到麼地步,親近神還是遠離神呢? 這才是你我最大的挑戰。


神啊! 求你幫助我們去看患難。我們需要你因為患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練。只有我們經歷你的同在我們才可以更深地親近你。主!求你幫助我們。阿們!
林志恆 牧師
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