
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33


Christian faith and other religions are extremely different in nature. The heavenly King Lord Jesus tells us clearly that we will have tribulation on earth. However, the earthly religions claim that they can help people to get prosperous and avoid tribulation. Even among Christians there are wrong teachings, saying "because God loves us, he wants us to lead a healthy, wealthy and successful life; so long as we pray vehemently, our life can/should be without tribulation." This kind of teaching is really attractive, as man by nature would like to lead a smooth and prosperous life; no one would like to befriend with tribulation. But the Son of God came to this world to tell us that the world is full of tribulation because everyone sins. Before we can solve the problem of tribulation, we have to first solve the problem of sin. Because of Lord Jesus' redemption on the cross, we can no longer suffer due to our own sin. Nevertheless, we get his invitation at the same time, that are we willing to suffer for this world which is full of tribulation for the sake of gospel? This is a calling from heaven. It is also a blessing for us, who are created and tiny only. Thank the Lord!


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for humbling yourself to come to this world that was full of sin and tribulation. You gave new meaning and value to tribulation with your life. Sometimes, you reveal everlasting truth with tribulation; sometimes, sculpt our spiritual life with it; manifest corrupt human nature with it; chasten the lost sheep with it; call to your stiff-necked people with it .... Thank for Lord Jesus' promise, that no matter what we are experiencing in this world, as long as we live in you, we can take heart and can have peace, as our Lord has overcome the world. Amen!
Rev. Jun Cai






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